Wednesday, February 15, 2017

February 1917 - 100 Years Ago in "That Thriving Town"

The Andes Recorder's Bovina column in February 1917 reported the death of one of its prominent citizens, J.W. Coulter, at his home in Bovina and the passing of Mrs. F.W. Hyatt after an operation in New York City. 

February 2, 1917
·         Mrs. F.W. Hyatt underwent an operation in New York this week.
·         Mrs. Robert G. Thomson, who recently underwent an operation at Oneonta, underwent a second operation in a private hospital in New York city on Monday afternoon.
·         Jardine Dickson died recently at his home in Albany aged 80 years. He was born on Dickson mountain and is the last of the family of Gilbert Dickson. He has numerous relatives here.
·         The William L. Ruff farm in upper Bovina has been sold to Stephen Shablaski of Virginia, for $5,700 and the personal property thereon for $1,500.  The place was formerly the William Rutherford farm.

Death Claims Bovina’s Benefactor
J.W. Coulter Passed away Saturday Night, at Four Score Years
            James William Coulter, who suffered a shock on January 3, died at his home in Bovina Center, January 27, aged 80 years.  The funeral was held Wednesday from the U.P. Church and interment made in the Center cemetery.
            Mr. Coulter was born January 19, 1837, in the town of Bovina on the farm now occupied by Edward L. Coulter and has always been a resident of the town. In early life he constructed many of the bridges of which Robert Murray was the contractor.  In 1866 he married Elizabeth Doig, who died six years ago.
            In the early seventies he became manager of the country estate of Robert Livingston at Lake Delaware and continued under the Gerry’s, holding the position for 29 years. Sixteen years ago he retired and purchased the D.L. Thomson property in Bovina Center, where he had since resided.
            He was public spirited and since his retirement had done more than any other to promote the interests of the community.  For many years he had been president of town fire insurance company and was instrumental in starting the movement which resulted in beautifying the cemetery.  Last fall he had planned to have a vault built for the cemetery but was disappointed in getting the masons. He was one of the promoters of the water works and when the fire district was organized was active in organizing the fire department and the erection of the fire house, giving the site and a substantial sum for its erection.  The building adjoining the fire house will be given for a public library. He will be missed.

February 9, 1917
·         Mrs. Robert G. Thomson, who underwent an operation in New York on January 29, I snow improving.
·         The Schools of Bovina will be closed Thursday and Friday to allow the teachers to attend a teachers conference at Stamford.
·         Mrs. William R. Miller, who suffered a shock January 19, and since been very ill, can sit up a little, but has no use of her left side.

Auction in Bovina
            The undersigned administrator of the estate of W.R. Miller will sell at auction at his late residence in Bovina Center on Wednesday, Feb 20, at 1 p.m., 7 cows, horse, lumber wagon, buckboard, buggy, sulky plow, hand plow, harrow, hay rigging, cultivator, single harness, heavy 1 horse harness, 1 horse sled, saw horses, cross cut saw, hand saw, laud roller, buggy pole, 2 stone jars, wheel barrow, grindstone, horse rake, scythe and swath, roll barb wire, stone boat, forks and shovels, blankets, robes, and other articles too numerous to mention.
            Terms: Under $10 cash; over $10 30 or 60 days on approved notes payable at Delaware National bank.
            F.T. Miller, adm’r

February 16, 1917
·         The Vail company will give a show here for three nights, beginning on Thursday.
·         A Farmers club was formed Tuesday in the Fireman’s Hall and temporary officers.
·         Stephen Shablaski has moved onto the Wm L. Ruff farm in upper Bovina which he recently purchased.
·         Alex Hilson has sold his farm in upper Bovina, which has been occupied by James A. Liddle for a number of years, to Everett DeSilva, of Arena, who takes possession next week. Mr. Liddle will move into one of the Johnson houses at the Butt End.
·         Mrs. F.W. Hyatt died in a New York hospital February 8, following an operation, aged about 43 years. She is survived by her husband and three daughters and two sons.  The family came to Bovina from Yonkers some 6 or 7 years ago and purchased the D.J. Miller farm. Burial was at Yonkers.

February 23, 1917
·         Fred Bramley has purchased an auto truck.
·         The Vail company had large crowds every night.
·         Miss Louise Muller continues in very poor health.
·         Mrs. G.D. Miller has been on the sick list but is now better.
·         Miss Hazel Hoy is home from Elmira college on account of her health.
·         Adam Laidlaw has been confined to the house.  Walter Wilson is doing the farm work.
·         John A. Irvine, who had pneumonia several weeks ago, is now able to be about the house.
·         Rev. J.A. Mahaffey has been attending the dog show at Madison Square Garden in New York.
·         Mrs. R.G. Thomson, who was operated upon January 29, expects to leave the hospital this week.
·         It is expected that James A. Liddle will be the next mail carrier between Bovina and Bloomville.
·         ·         Frank Coulter, who has varicose veins, has been ordered [by] the physicians to remain in bed for two weeks.  His case will probably require an operation.

Bovina Farm Goes Cheap

            Monday at the partition sale of the Thomas R. Hoy farm located in Bovina, held at front door of the court house in Delhi, the farm was purchased by William Robson, of Andes, for the remarkable low figure of $1,200.  The farm has not had a dairy on it in ten years. The place contains 280 acres.

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