Friday, July 15, 2016

July 1916 - 100 Years Ago in "That Thriving Town"

From the Andes Recorder
The state road going through Bovina (now County Route 6) was an issue in July 100 years ago. 

July 7, 1916
•           Alex Hilson has purchased a new Chivalette roadster automobile.
•           William Johnson, in upper Bovina, has purchased a Chandler touring car.
•           Misses Lois and Ruth Ormiston are visiting their former home in Maryland.[Lois later married Fletcher Davidson and Ruth married Henry Monroe.]
•           The twin sons of the late Robert Hoy, who are about twelve years old, will go to live with their aunt, Mrs. William B. Tuttle in New Kingston. [Robert Hoy had died on June 30 at the age of 53 and his wife, the former Fannie Elliott, had died in 1906.]

July 14, 1916
•           The house of Ed Woodard, on the Arbuckle farm on the eastern slope of Glenburnie, was struck by lightning early Sabbath morning.  The bolt entered on the telephone wire and the only damage done was knocking off some plaster.

Smashed the Fence.
            Monday, while Tracy Sherman was learning to run an auto truck, he went into the fence on the State road at the foot of the pitch near the Russell [Hill] road.  His son, Clarence, was instructing him but the elder Sherman had such a grip on the wheel that he could not turn it back.  The principal damage was the smashing of the fence.

July 21, 1916
•           Hay making is the order of the day. The crop is the largest in many years.
•           William Thomson has rented the rooms in the “brown house” occupied by the late Rebecca Scott.
•           A little child of Earl Fisk at Lake Delaware was taken ill Monday with appendicitis but is recovering without an operation.
•           The State road thru Bovina Center, which has been in bad condition ever since the State authorities tried the experiment last year of putting on light oil and throwing sand into it, was scraped Wednesday [July 19] and will be re-surfaced with fine stone.

July 28, 1916
•           Hilson Brothers will soon have an auto truck to do their hauling to and from Delhi. 
•           Evidently Bently of the State road was not in the best of humor when he had the unsightly and dangerous ditches dug at the roadside in the Center.  Our citizens are not in a pleasant frame of mind over them.  

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