One hundred years ago this month, from the pages from the Andes Recorder:
February 6, 1925
• Mrs. Lucy Coulter has been visiting her sons at Walton and Delhi.
• The roads have been badly blocked the past week, but Superintendent Coulter now has the main roads cleared out.
• Monday Sloan Archibald received a box of oranges from his son, Russell Archibald, who is spending the winter in Florida.
• William T. Russell suffered a shock Saturday night and is in critical condition. His throat and one side is paralyzed.
• Rev. A.M. Thomson, pastor of the Church of Covenanters, is taking a vacation, which he is spending in Philadelphia.
• Mrs. William Burns, who several weeks ago underwent an operation for hernia at Delhi, has returned to her home below the village.
• Orrin Reynolds went to New Kingston on Thursday to do some carpenter work for Will Adee. Owing to the snow over the mountain he went by Andes and Margaretville.
• Mrs. Arthur Decker was operated upon at Delhi last Wednesday for appendicitis. Dr. Thomson was the surgeon and was assisted by Dr. Goodrigh and Dr. Schumann. [Mrs. Decker was the former Beulah Armstrong. She had a son, Francis and a daughter, Virginia and was widowed in 1960. Beulah died in 1966.]
February 13, 1925
• Elmer Doig was a County Seat caller on Monday.
• Clarence LaFever was a visitor at Andes on Monday.
• Mrs. George H. Shaver and James Ackerley were at Andes on Friday. [Mrs. Shaver was the former Elizabeth Reynolds.]
• Supervisor W.B. Smith was at the County Seat early in the week attending a meeting of the Board of Supervisors.
• William T. Russell died at his home on the former Dysart farm February 6, as a result of a shock sustained the previous Saturday, by which his throat and one side was paralyzed. He was a son of the late Stephen Russell and was born on the farm adjoining 57 years ago. He is survived by his wife, who was a Bergman, and three daughter and a son. The funeral was held Monday. [The Dysart farm was on Russell Hill.]
February 20, 1925
• James A. Gow, George Decker and John Blair were at Andes last Saturday.
• James C. Mabon was at Meridale on Saturday and purchased a span of horses from Ayer & McKinney.
• Arthur Decker and children were at Delhi on Sabbath afternoon and brought home Mrs. Decker from the hospital.
• Everett Joslin has hired to work for Arthur Bergman up-town and will move from the Center. Mr. Martin will move to house he vacates.
• Mrs. Wallace Smith and Mrs. James Monroe have gone to Walton to help care for Mrs. Eli Wright and daughter who are ill with scarlet fever, but are now improving.
• Earl Fisk, of Lake Delaware, who was taken ill at Walton on his way home from a New York hospital, is very ill at the home of Eli Wright at Walton. [Earl would recover, dying in 1971 at the age of 87.]
• It is stated that W.C. Redmond has been awarded the contract for carrying the mail form Bovina via Bovina Center to Bloomville for four years from July, at $1,400 per year.
• Mrs. John Hilson has received a letter from Mrs. N.B. Whitcomb in which she states that she and the children expect to leave Egypt for America early in April. Dr. Whitcomb will come in September. [Dr. Whitcomb was a medical missionary in Egypt for 16 years, making occasional trips back home. He died in Egypt in 1935 from blood poisoning.]
• Fletcher Davidson has brought the old Hilson house and commenced taking it down. It is one of the old frame kind and he will re-erect [it] on his place at the foot of Russell hill for use as a chicken house. [This house stood where Mike and Christine Batey now live.]
February 27, 1925
• Miss Jane Archibald is attending business school at Binghamton.
• Bovina real estate transfers recorded are Erwin E. Russell to James A. Gow.
• Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Galland were at Arkville last Saturday to visit their sister.
• Evening meetings will be resumed at the U.P. church on Sabbath, March 1.
• Superintendent of Poor James F. Foreman and George VanDusen were in town Friday.
• George Shaver, who has been in Terry Clove helping his son get out wood, came home Monday.
• Mrs. John H. Aitkins is in the hospital at Delhi, where she underwent an operation last Thursday for adhesions.
• Wilber Doig, of Delhi, will move into Charles Russell’s house in the upper part of the village and work in the creamery.
• Mrs. Arthur Decker, who had an operation for appendicitis a few weeks ago, has been confined to bed since her return from the hospital.
• Peter Robson, formerly of Bovina, has exchanged his house and lot in Bloomville for the farm of Harry E. Swanson on Meredith Road, near the village of Delhi.
• Harry Martin was here Tuesday from Cannonsville and took his sister-in-law Mrs. Fred Thomson, back with him. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Martin on February 20. The mother will be remembered as Nell Oliver of this town. [Mrs. Thomson was the former Janet C. Oliver.]
• A few weeks ago in a scuffle Master James Crawford, son of Rev. and Mrs. F.N. Crawford, had his arm injured. It was thought to be only a bad strain, but it did not improve, and an X-ray showed that the bone was fractured at the shoulder.