Saturday, June 30, 2018

This Day in Bovina for June

Eighty-nine years ago today, on June 1, 1929, the "old horse of T.C. Strangeway fell down on Saturday in the plowed land when at work and could not be gotten up." The Delaware Republican, in reporting the incident, did not elaborate further, but it likely was the poor horse's end.

Ninety-six years ago, on June 2, 1922, the home talent play "Old Fashioned Mother" was held and, as later noted in the Andes Recorder, "well attended." The library made $78. The play was repeated the next evening, but the attendance was small.

120 years ago today, the June 3, 1898 issue of the Andes Recorder reported that in Bovina, "While the usual Memorial Day exercises were not observed here this year, the graves of the fallen heroes were marked with the flag they loved so well and strewed with the sweet flowers of nature."

Ninety-five years ago today, on June 4, 1923, Alice Jane Boggs died. The daughter of John Russell (1822-1902) and Jane Chisholm (1815-1886), she married William F. Boggs in February 1871 and had two sons, Harry and J. Russell. She was the grandmother of Don, Bob and Norrie Boggs.

Eighty-nine years ago today, the Bovina Center correspondent reported for the June 5, 1929 Delaware Republican that "Colin McNaught is shipping three of his full-blooded sheep to Peru. They will start on their long trip this week, each one having its own crate." The report noted that the "shipment includes one yearling ewe, a three-year-old ewe and a two-year-old ram, all registered Shropshires."

118 years ago today, on June 6, 1900, the Andes Recorder Bovina correspondent reported that "…Bert McNair completed a successful year of school in the Butt End district." The paper went on to report McNair and the district had "one of the most successful schools in town the past year…" The paper noted that "The attendance was thirteen and of this number Elmer Russell and Orlena Russell passed spelling, geography, grammar, arithmetic, reading and writing and physiology at the Regents examinations at Andes High School in January, earning their preliminary certificate and physiology besides in the one examination.  In the January and March examinations Libbie Hastings and Charles Hastings also earned their preliminary certificate and physiology in addition.  Maggie Liddle passed spelling and geography, and Willie Hastings and Herman Russell passed spelling and physiology.  Where is the school that can beat it."

This is the first in what I hope will be about weekly entries sharing some of the Bob Wyer license photographs taken from the 1940s into the 1970s. This chauffeur license photo of Raymond Jardine was taken June 28, 1943. Raymond was born in 1905, the son of Alexander and Elizabeth Slavin Jardine. He married Mary Hyzer in 1934. They had three children, Marian, Martha and Richard. Raymond was a farmer and operated a trucking business. He died suddenly at his home in Bovina in 1962. Photograph courtesy of the Delaware County Historical Association. 

Ninety years ago today, the June 8, 1908 issue of the Andes Recorder reported in its Bovina column that "Miss Eleanor Campbell has completed a business course and taken a position in the Sheffield Farms office at Hobart." Eleanor was the daughter of John Campbell and Nancy Smith. She married Leroy Worden in 1930 and they settled in Bovina. They were my next door neighbors when I was a kid. Eleanor died in 1979, Leroy in 1982.

117 years ago today, on June 9, 1901, Robert Gerry "had a narrow escape from injury." Gerry was driving his dog cart out of his Lake Delaware property onto the highway when the hub of the cart "was struck by an automobile running at high rate of speed…" The cart overturned and threw Mr. Gerry out. He injured his shoulder and the footman with him had a badly bruised leg.

126 years ago today, in its June 10, 1892 issue, the Andes Recorder published the following from the Bovina Center correspondent to the Walton Standard: "It is our object to report what has happened, but we do wish that we could report that our mail route had been changed so that Robert Forman would go to Bloomville instead of Lake Delaware. We would get our New York mail one day earlier, and our letters going west would go somewhere the same day. If our three ministers would move in the matter they could have it changed and would not have to send or go to 'The Valley' after their mail every night. It would be better other ways. Mr. Forman would get more passengers, and during the summer would have a large amount of fruit and other express matter to carry.  Let us move in the matter, for we are afraid it will be some time before we have that 'electric railroad.'"

Ninety-eight years ago today, the June 11, 1920 Bovina column in the Andes Recorder reported that "A Buick touring car from South Kortright collided with the iron bridge at Lake Delaware, and was saved from falling into the stream by one wheel being caught in the bridge."

122 years ago, the Bovina correspondent reported in the June 12, 1896 Andes Recorder that "The bills announcing the re-union of the Delaware and Otsego veterans have been posted.  A number of the old veterans will attend, and again meet old comrades and clasp their hands once more.  These Reunions will soon be a thing of the past and all should go and enjoy them while they can."

122 years ago today, on the afternoon of Saturday, June 13, 1896, as later reported in the Andes Recorder, "John Irvine’s eldest boy was drawing the lawn mower around wrong side up and the youngest boy, who is about three years old, stuck his hand into it and it took off the two middle fingers at the first joint.  The pieces were found among the grass, and Dr. Phinney stuck them on, but they had been off to long for there to be much chance of their ever growing on."  The eldest Irvine son was William (1887-1929), the youngest was Lloyd Irvine (1897-1980), who was Isabelle Russell's twin brother.

These passport photos of Frieda Menke were taken in April 1960 by Bob Wyer. Frieda was born in Yugoslavia in 1921 and emigrated to the U.S. after the Second World War. She married Henry Menke in 1952 and for many years operated with her husband their farm on Cape Horn Road. She had two children and was widowed in 2000. Frieda died in 2012 at the age of 90. Photograph courtesy of the Delaware County Historical Association.

161 years ago today, on June 15, 1857, a liquor license was issued for Dorcas Hamilton's tavern in Bovina Center. This is where Jardine’s house now stands. To see the 1857 license, go to this link on the Bovina NY History Flickr page. Http://

Eighty years ago today, June 16, 1938, as later reported in the Andes Recorder, "Herbert Parsons, little son of Mrs. And Mrs. William Parsons broke his arm….by falling from an old truck."

Ninety-seven years ago, the June 17, 1921 Andes Recorder reported that "Nelson Reynolds is making alterations in the interior of the United Presbyterian church." The paper went on to note that "the first row of seats has been removed and the pulpit extended forward in order to give more room for the choir behind the pulpit."

Eighty-one years ago, the June 18, 1937 Bovina column in the Andes Recorder reported that "The state road from its junction with the Andes-Delhi state road through Bovina Center, has been resurfaced this week."

124 years ago, on June 19, 1894, the Oregon Medicine company closed their show in Bovina. The company had been in Bovina for ten days.  The Andes Recorder reported that "[t]hey gave good entertainments and had good success in selling their medicines.  We understand that they went to Davenport."  This company likely was the Oregon Indian Medicine Company.  It was founded by Thomas Augustus Edwards, who was born in Saugerties in 1832.  Edwards used several approaches to sell his remedies, including Indians to hawk his wares on the streets and medicine shows to promote his products. Founded in 1876, Edwards was actively involved until his retirement in 1901.

120 years ago on June 20, 1898, as later reported in the Andes Recorder, "John Blair bought over forty hogs…"

119 years ago today, the June 21, 1899 Andes Recorder reported in the Bovina column that "Alex. Burns returned home last Wednesday from Potsdam St. Lawrence county, where he purchased a thorough bred Jersey bull calf, from the herd of George W. Cisson, Jr."

These two chauffeur license photos of George Trimbell were taken by Bob Wyer. The first image dates from May 1943, the second from April 1946.  George was born in 1913 in Minnesota, the son of Ernest and Talley Trimbell.  He grew up in Minnesota and came to Bovina with his family in 1932. George married Anna Schonewolf Kriesel in Bloomville in 1947. They were the parents of four sons, Robert Kriesel, and Byron, Linnell, and Derwood Trimbell. George owned and operated Crescent Valley Farms in Bovina and operated a summer resort there for many years. George passed away in November 1975. Photograph courtesy of the Delaware County Historical Association. 

Forty-five years ago today, June 23, 1973, Bovina residents John Behrer, Loretta Dorsett Fink, Roger Hadley, Jim Haran, John Hewitt, Diane LaFever, Ray LaFever, Marie Stromann (aka Agnes Menke), Ethel Mellott Hammond, Bob Monroe, Donna Parsons Weber, Steve Pelletier, and Connie Stewart Finkle graduated from Delaware Academy.

120 years ago, the June 24, 1898 Andes Recorder Bovina column had the following item: " Who of your readers has ever tasted oranges grown in Delaware county?  From her orange tree Mrs. G.D. Miller has plucked ripe fruit.  Your correspondent tasted one and they are of good flavor." Mrs. G.D. Miller was the wife of Gilbert D. Miller. She was Mary Jane Banker and married 'Gib' in 1869. Mary died in 1924.

Eighty-five years ago today, on June 25, 1933, Margaret Russell, the mother of long time Bovina merchant Cecil Russell, passed away. Born in 1862, she was the daughter of Patrick Doig and Sarah Hodge. She married Robert Hamilton Russell in 1884, who had been widowed in 1881. Margaret was widowed in 1921.

124 years ago today, on June 26, 1894, as later reported in the Andes Recorder, "a private hop was held in James Hastings new barn…" This barn stood for over 100 years before it was demolished a few years ago. This was later the Damgaard farm and is now owned by Mark Foster and Carver Farrell. [IMAGE]

This chauffeur license photo of Lester Hoy was taken by Bob Wyer in May 1943. Lester was born in Bovina in 1899, the son of William and Robena Gow Hoy. He was married to Jean Hume in 1920. He farmed for many years in Bovina, living in the house now owned by Tim and Tamara McIntosh. He and Jean had two sons, Robert and William. He died in July 1978. Photograph courtesy of the Delaware County Historical Association. 

Ninety-six years ago today, on June 28, 1922, Bovina was hit with a "severe electrical storm." As later reported in the Andes Recorder, "lightning struck the residence of Mrs. Ida Burgin on the Andes-Delhi [road] and did some damage but did not fire the building." The neighboring farm of Charles A. McPherson was not so lucky. Six cows were killed in the storm.

118 years ago, the Andes Recorder of June 29, 1900 reported that "The census enumerator has nearly completed his work and it is thought the number of people will fall short of the number of census ten years previous." This, in fact, turned out not to be the case, though it did not go up much either. The 1890 census had 926 people. Ten years later, it was 932.

107 years ago today, on June 30, 1911, Margaret Laidlaw was born in Bovina, the daughter of Adam Laidlaw and Emma Campbell. She married James Hoy in 1935 and had three children, James, Janet and Thomas. Widowed in 1956, Margaret was the Bovina Town Clerk for many years. She passed away in 1981.
Margaret as a young girl (courtesy of her sons Jim and Tom Hoy)

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Grandma's First Husband - "How pleasant it must be in good old Delaware Co"

Anna Bell Barnhart Calhoun continued to receive letters from her husband James Calhoun from France where he was serving in the U.S. Army. As with almost all his letters from France, the information they contain mainly reflect the news he is hear from home, since he is severely restricted as to what he can write. The fact that the letters came sporadically and out of sequence had to be a bit of a challenge for my grandmother. His June letters arrived mainly in July but not even in sequence.

James first letter in June wasn't received until almost the end of the month, June 29. He references the fire that destroyed Anna's Uncle John Miller's barn in this and some of the following letters. 

June 4, 1918

My dear Anna;
Three letters from you have come to me within the past few days.  I know that you should like to know that I am O.K.  There is not much that I can write but am happy to send you the news that I am O.K.  Your letters were most thoroughly enjoyed.  I cannot tell you how much I enjoyed them.  It is very true that you do not get so many letters as you did but you know that it is not my fault.
The loss of the barn is very hard for Uncle John.  It is fine that you can help them at this time.  Maybe they can feel different towards us now.  Such things are for a purpose, I think.
You wrote so many news[?] that I can scarcely thank you enough.  I am sorry that you have a cold and that you have been troubled with the Liberty measles.
I will write another note as soon as I can.  I will [write] more soon. 
I must stop now and send this.  Please write as often as you can.  Your letters are indeed appreciated.  Let mother know how I am by card.
Your most loving husband, James

James wrote another letter the next day, but it took until July 20 to be received by Anna.

Somewhere in France
June 5, 1918

My dear Anna;

            I will take this opportunity to send you as good a letter as I possibly can under the circumstances.  I must confess that the few letters I have written have been very meager indeed but would gladly do better if I could.  I have gotten three letters from you recently and they each contained a world of news from home.
This leaves me in good health and am O.K. in all things.  I regret to hear that you have all had colds and hope you may be better before now.  I sympathize with Wilford in his measle deal.
Cousin Raymond [Barnhart] is fortunate indeed in getting the work he has.  Perhaps he will remain there permanently.  I am glad Edith sent him candy because I know how much he will appreciate it; I surely did.  Grandmother B is surely working faithful to do her bit at this time.  You are all doing so much.  In fact you cannot realize the true value of the work you are doing as fully as I can when viewed from my standpoint.
It was fine that Davison’s people said for the car.  I hope they get good service from it and get in good in operating it.  I should be very glad if they would drop me a letter.  So Fletcher has his head shaved and so do I (or very nearly so).
Ralph and Wilford will be glad indeed to finish hauling wood.  It is a tedious, tiresome piece of work to get logs from such a place as they hauled those.  Your work will be very heavy especially now that you have so many cows.  It was fine though that you could help Uncle John as you did.  Perhaps they will feel better towards us now.  It is good sometimes to get a chance to return good for evil.  It is just as well I think that you did not bother with the chickens; if we need them we can get them later.  I almost wonder at Chas. McPherson doing as he did in the horse deal.  I surely used him white [??] the proposition.
The burning of the barn no doubt gave you a great scare.  It must have been a great scare to mother B.  Aunt Bertha is usually calm enough but such an event is very liable to give the calmest person quite a scare.  I should not have been surprised if Uncle John had been excited as he seems so frail. 
I wish you could go and see Oliver’s people.  From what mother wrote I believe that cousin Margaret will not live very long.  It was very good of cousin Kathryn to write to you. 
A letter came from mother and Mae and I will try and answer it in a few days.  I wish you might send them a card when you get this so they will rest that I am O.K. at this date.  I was mighty glad to get the clippings.  There is no need to send papers; ten chances to one they would not reach me.  It is just as well that what you said of Cora has proved false.
I will close for this time.  Hoping you are all well and O.K.  Your most loving husband, James.   

Raymond Barnhart was grandma's first cousin on her father's side. Raymond was in the Army but did not go overseas for his service. [Note: I am named for this cousin.]

James next letter came to Anna on July 20, the same day as the June 5 letter.

June 11, 1918
Somewhere in France

My dear Anna;
            This leaves me O.K. and feeling fine.  I have had no letters from you since I sent you my last one.  I expect to receive two or three at one time soon.  I expect to mail a letter to mother C. when this one is mailed.
We are having beautiful weather and the country looks very pretty indeed.  I am wondering if everything is as beautiful at home.  I expect your crops are nearly all in the soil.
I often think of you and wonder what you are doing these days.  It will soon be a year since I helped in the hay field.  How will i remember that day.  Do y\the young people have as many parties as they did last autumn.  If not they probably will renew sociabilities this autumn.
The school year will soon be finished.  Ruth had such hard luck with her school that I expect she will be late in closing her work.  How many weeks was her school closed because of scarlet fever etc?  Lois should have her work nearly finished by now.
I am afraid that you and I will be unable to help Uncle Will and Aunt Mary this year.  I wish we might; it would be a great pleasure indeed.  I presume the Ward farm is practically idle this year; there will be no land under cultivation at all.  Marshall’s are using the pastures; are Will’s going to cut the hay themselves?
This is but a note to let you know all is well.  There is but little news to write so will send this.  I would gladly write more but this will suffice for now.  When I get a letter from you I shall answer more fully.  I often think of you all.
Give my best regards to all of my people and please write often.
Your most loving husband, James.    

James wrote again 5 days letter, but this letter came to Anna 8 days before the letters of June 5 and 11, arriving July 12.

Somewhere in France
June 16, 1918

My dear Anna;
I am very glad to have the opportunity to answer your excellent letters of May 12 and 16.
I am very glad to know that you were quite well at that time.  I hope you have taken proper care of yourself while you have had the “Liberty” measles.  They are not dangerous as a rule unless one catches cold with them; they are not pleasant to have however and I surely am sorry for you if you felt as uncomfortable as I when I had them.  Scarletina also made me feel very disagreeable; almost as much so as when I had the genuine fever.  You said for me not to worry but it is pretty hard to follow your instructions when I know that you will keep working when you are sick.  For God’s sake don’t get down sick when I am away here.
You say Uncle J’s are just the same as ever.  Please do not let that fact bother you in the least.  They only hurt themselves not us.  I think they might show themselves grateful for what you have helped them but some people know naught but jealousy and selfishness.
I am glad my letters reach you O.K. and you must know by this time that I am getting yours O.K.  They come in bunches of two and three but I think I am getting all of them.  Mail coming this way is not censored at least the letters you have sent have not been opened.  You will see that I date my letters now although I sent a few without dates.  I am same in rank as Fletcher.  You seem to consider my letters very unsatisfactory and indeed they are but perhaps I can learn to do better in time.  I am sorry that Wilford does not care to write to me and sincerely hope that he is not angry.  I appreciated his letters and sincerely hope he will change his mind about writing me.
It was awfully good of you people to get the wagon and hope it is not much in the way.  Wilford’s joke about the wagon was cute and it made me think of old times as also what you said about the story in the “Christain Herald.”  I hope your dreams come true and I still want you to build air castles.  Perhaps they will become real one of these fine days.  Nothing can keep a person’s courage up like good old hope.  I will remember the [sell?] picture and hope and pray that all that the picture stands for may be brought to pass.
I am not afraid of you becoming a heathen for I know you are doing all that circumstances permit.  My religious privileges are not the best here but I am making the best of the situation I think.  They will be better some day.
This is indeed a pretty country but I am not in love with it enough to want to remain here permanently.  I can find no fault with my native land.
The Reynold’s case was a very sad one.  It is hard to understand why such things are permitted to come about but they must be for some good purpose.
Expect that Anna would be real sick with the measles.  William is at the proper age to have them.  Is Wilford the only one left in our family to go through the disease.  If so it is better that he have them while he is young.  I anxiously await to know how Anna came thru measles.
I wish you might have gone to the war show.  I know it would have done you good and am sure those who have gone were benefitted and experienced some real pleasure from it. 
I am both surprised and amused that you bought tobacco.  You must feel that since I am not there to use the weed that you will sprinkle a little in my old clothes anyway.  I must write and scold mother for teaching my wife the tobacco habit.  I am not using it myself but many of the boys need it very badly so please save all you can for them - Ha!
The enclosed clippings were fine.  It is better to send them that way.  Papers rarely reach us when sent in wrappers.
I should like much to be enjoying the fine weather there.  Weather has been pleasant here although warm at times.
I am glad you are with the Red Cross. I know now the really great work they are doing.
Please write often and do send one of those pictures because I know it will be alright.
Your most loving husband - James

James’s next letter was written 8 days later, but not received until August 5.

Somewhere in France
June 24, 1918

My dear Anna;
I am sending you a few lines to let you know that I am well and O.K.  I have been unable to write for a week past so I expect you will wonder if I have not stopped writing.  I have had no letters from you for a while but there no doubt will be two or three of them when they come.
We have had some cool weather for this season of the year.  Everything is very beautiful here now.  There are many flowers in this country and especially roses.
As I have no letter to answer I scarcely know what to write.  I have been thinking of you a great deal and should like to see you very much indeed.
It is hard to realize that summer will soon be half past.  It seems as though it should be about May 1.
This will tell you I am O.K. and am writing Cora & Mother.  Please pray for the day to come when I can see you and tell you all.  Write often.
Your most loving husband, James.

James wrote the following letter 4 days later - it was received the same day as the June 24 letter.

Somewhere in France
June 28, 1918

My dear Anna;
A recent mail brought me six letters, four from you, one from mother and one from Archie and Florence.  You can imagine that they were received with joy and their contents devoured several times over.  I am attempting to answer your messages of love in my humble way.
I am relieved to know that you are entirely well of measles and that those who had measles or were otherwise ailing are again well.  I can not but feel slightly worried over your welfare at times, you know when I am so far from you.  Regarding myself, I am glad to say that I am indeed quite well.
How pleasant it must be in good old Delaware Co. and the season must be advanced.  I longed very much to be with you when I read your letters telling of all the fine things you are doing over there.  It would be a genuine pleasure to enjoy home life once more in those places so dear to my heart and the thoughts of which call forth many fond memories.  God grant that our hopes and prayers may soon be realized.
It is well that Uncle J. is able to care for his surplus stock now and it must mean a great relief to you all.  The burning of the barn was all for a purpose and after reading your letters I am satisfied that Uncle J’s people now will all feel different towards us.  They have a hard task before them but no doubt the new structure will be modern in every respect when complete.  I take it for granted that Mike remains with them when Andrew Worden takes up his duties.  You spoke of the lack of help; I wish I might furnish a small amount and commence at once.
I am glad to know that your work is progressing fine.  Wilford surely came out fortunate from what might have been a serious accident.
You no doubt know what the surplus valuables are that I sent you as they must have reached you.  By way of explanation will say that on or about May 1 I sent you $15.00 (saved from Feb & Mar pay) and again on May 23 I sent $15.00 both amounts being sent in care of the YMCA.  I have receipts for full amount in case you fail to receive them.  I am surprised that you had not received allotment for April.  I do not think my change of station made a difference in the time you would receive your money.  I do not think any policies are forwarded but sufficient records are kept so insurance is a safe proposition. Your letter of Memorial day was most interesting of all.  You must know by now how I spent that day but I cannot help but think of the better way in which I could have spent it in the place and environment which I desired so much.  I feel very sorry for James B. and indeed there should be a deep bond of sympathy between us.  I rested assured that father’s grave was heaped with flowers because I know that Cora and the others would see well to that.
I can scarcely imagine “Jerusha” as being so unruly as to jump the fence after always behaving so well.  I thought perhaps it would be difficult for Mr. Davison to learn driving at his age.  It was indeed fortunate that nothing worse than a twisted axle and a broken windshield resulted although I am sorry that even that happened.
I believe I know what you meant by Gene Storie waiting so long.  I am rejoiced to know that you think it impossible for me to have to wait for so long a time.  I believe it quite certain about Hazel as I think Frank knew what he spoke of.
I just noted in your last letter that Edith has the Liberty measles.  I hope indeed that she is better and all is well.  Your letters contained so many news that I can scarcely answer them in full.  I expect you would like to hear about what I am doing but I must wait until I can see you then I will tell all.  My best regards to you all.  Your most loving husband, James.

James’ next letter was received on August 3, two days before the letters of June 24 & 28.

June 30, 1918
My dear Anna;
Perhaps this letter will appear funny to you but I am “Hooverizing” on paper.  Your excellent letter written just after the Walton conference came to me very recently and was thoroughly enjoyed.  Letters also came from Cora & cousin Wm O at Dubois PA.  Cousin Will’s letter was very good indeed.  He wants me to visit the home of our ancestors and tell him all I can hear and see. 
I am glad to know that you saw Mrs. Chambers and Mrs. Bryce.  It would be fine if Mrs. Bryce can come to see you.  Cora writes that she expects to pay you a visit soon and that you had written her. 
I am relieved to know the money reached you.  You need not be so saving of it as that.  I sent it for you to use as you see fit.  I really feel sorry that Chauncey has felt compelled to join the service.  I can sympathize thoroughly with his family and himself.  I had hoped that in his position he might get excused.  Clark Miller’s death is indeed a blow to his people.  He is the first of the Bovina boys to fall.
We are having beautiful weather now and has been most all the time since for a month.  Today has been fairly warm but weather never has been oppressively warm.
When I was reading your letter I told the boys what you said about making short cake and they almost mobbed me for speaking of it.  I guess their mouths were watering for a taste themselves.
Lloyd Irvine may be near here but I have not found him.  I do not know where any of the boys that I used to know.  No doubt some of them are near me if I only could locate them.Mr. Davison and Rev Galloway surely did come out lucky.  I am glad you keep me posted on Rev Galloway’s sermons.  It seems more as though I still can enjoy a few of the religious privileges I used to know.  I was pleased that you were chosen to attend the conference at Walton.  One gets considerable benefit from such as a rule as there is always many talks worth hearing.
I expect you will have a celebration on the 4th.  I do not know where we will hold out at that time but there are plenty of celebrations of that nature. 
Please write real often.  Your most loving husband, James  

Sunday, June 10, 2018

June 1918 - 100 Years Ago "in That Thriving Town"

Summer 1918 came to Bovina. John Miller is trying to replace his barn lost in a fire the previous month. Services for Clark Miller (no relation to John) were held - Clark had been killed in France the previous month.

June 7, 1918
·       Memorial day was observed in Bovina last Thursday.  There was a union meeting in the United Presbyterian church at 11 a.m.
·       Last Thursday as Rev. H.K. Galloway and Douglas Davidson were making the turn at Thos C. Strangeway’s coming toward the Center, the car tipped over on its side throwing both the occupants out.  No special damage was done. 

Bovina Man Has Auto Accident

H.A. Ayres had an auto accident Wednesday with his Ford car while going over Dickson mountain.  When well up the mountain his engine failed to work and his brakes would not work.  The car started down the grade and Mr. Ayres attempted to stop it by running it into the bank. The result was that the car was over-turned and the occupants throw[n] out.  The top was smashed but otherwise the car was but slightly injured.

June 14, 1918
·       Herman Joshlin is now employed by the Dry Milk Company to drive the auto truck. 
·       John M. Miller is experiencing considerable difficulty in getting carpenters to work on his new barn.
·       A large number from Delhi and other villages attended the memorial services for Clark G. Miller last Sabbath.  Forty of Sheldon Rifles from Delhi, and our firemen attended in a body.

June 21, 1918
·       Nelson Reynolds will be boss carpenter on John M. Miller’s new barn and Mr. Dibble will build the foundation.
·       The friends of Miss Kathryn Reynolds made her a shower Tuesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Miller.
·       For the month of May patrons of the Bovina Center Co-Operative Creamery received 62 cents per pound for butter fat.
·       The directors of the Bovina Co-Operative Fire Insurance company have ordered an assessment of $4 on the thousand to pay the loss occasioned by the burning of the barn of John M. Miller and killing of cows of Robert E. Thomson by lightning.
June 28, 1918
·       Miss Angelica Gerry has arrived at the Gerry summer home at Lake Delaware.
·       Robert G. Thomson, superintendent of the Dry Milk plant in the Center, is to be transferred to the dry milk plant at Adams, N.Y., about July 1.

Native of Bovina

Mrs. James B. Oliver died at Delhi, June 20 from Bright’s disease, aged 48 years.  She as the eldest dauter of the late Walter Amos of southern Bovina, and is survived by her aged mother, a sister, two brothers and two sons and a daughter.  He husband died four years ago.

Sunday, June 3, 2018

The Norwegian Reinertsens pay a visit to Bovina

I had a pleasant visit from several members of the Reinertsen family from Norway on June 2. They are visiting their American cousins, including Marie Burns and her family and Norma Gabriele and her family. They paid a brief visit to my house, where Sophie and Andrew Reinertsen lived from 1944 until Andrew's death in 1961 and Sophie's in 1971.

Andrew and Sophie (Larsen) Reinertsen were both natives of Norway.  Andrew Reinertsen (1883-1961) came to the United States from Norway around 1900.  Sophia (Sophie) Larsen (1895-1971) came about a decade later.  Andrew and Sophie were married in Brooklyn and came to Bovina Center in 1918, where they farmed and raised their family of nine children:  sons Sigurd, Leif, Carl, Robert and Walter and daughters Thelma, Gladys, Ethel and Edna.  In 1944, they moved from the family farm at the upper end of Reinertsen Hill Road to a smaller farm just outside the hamlet of Bovina Center (my house, as it so happens).  Right around the time of the move came the D-Day invasion.  In that invasion, their son Carl, also known as Arthur, was killed.  Two other sons served in the war and survived.

The Norwegian Reinertsens visit their American cousins. June 2, 2018 - Jon Andre Joernby, Norma Reinertsen Gabriele, Colleen Burns Heavey, Carl Reinertsen, Marie Reinertsen Burns, Lisbeth Reinertsen, Andrew Liddle, Monica Gabriele Liddle, Amy Burns, Sylvie Liddle, Ally Heavey, Libbie Lamport. Jon Andre, Carl and Lisbeth are the Norwegian cousins. Missing from the photo are Renate Reinertsen and her son Aron.